Thursday 26 August 2010

Solving World Peace Just Got Easier...

A new brand of World Peacekeeper is in operation, but they're not endorsed by the UN. That much is obvious, they're Made in China for a start.

Spotted in Fenwicks - a large department store in central Newcastle with a toy floor that every parent in the city is acquainted with - these 'World Peacekeepers' come equipped to do way more than keep the peace.

Complete with bad-ass assault rifle, Rambo-esque hunting knife, 'real working parachute' and gas mask, this guy is prepared for any situation. Most probably one which involves killing enough innocent civilians until peace and order are restored by default.

With that kind of weaponry you certainly wouldn't be rushing to disagree with his notion of peace. He's not exactly Ghandi is he.

I mean, what the hell does he need a gas mask for?! Just in case the country he is trying to keep peace in, after parachuting in armed to the eyeballs, decides to go all Saddam. Hmm, fair point.

If that is the case though, he should be named 'US Marine Corps', not pissing 'peackeeper'. Perhaps he is actually a US Marine, only suffering from PTSD he has taken to calling himself a peacekeeper as a way of internally justifying his actions.

But apparently this wannabe-Action Man with a personality complex is suitable for kids aged 3+. Seriously, what parent in their right mind would buy it for their kid? Saying that, maybe none have. It was in the bargain bin with 50% off. At least he's cheap.

I just can't help but wonder what kind of message this sends to the kids playing with it about the world we live in? "Hey Barbie, look at me. I'm a peacekeeper. Check how big my gun is. Don't you dig my skinhead? I shoot people and make the world peaceful."

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